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Get to Know Me

Life is sometimes tough, and it's hard to know where to turn, or you may just feel misunderstood. Like most of you, I have had these periods in my life and no doubt I will have them again. However, life experiences and a good deal of training, have led me to a more peaceful life, where dramas and complications do not create such an emotional impact anymore.  I have helped many people over many years with support or a friendly ear, and even more so since gaining qualifications to offer therapeutic services that can help a wide range of issues. 

I am Sara, a two times cancer survivor and Ex-PTSD sufferer. I love life, love to help people change their world and live peaceful fulfilling lives.


Hypnotherapy is one of the gentlest yet most effective and powerful therapy methods for a wide range of issues. The mind and body work intrinsically together, and hypnotherapy utilises this by helping to create balance, focus and healing. It is so effective, dental and surgical procedures have been carried out with hypnosis being the only form of anaesthesia. Hypno-birthing is becoming widely popular, and more and more people are seeing the benefits being able to focus their minds, relax their bodies and achieve amazing results. Stress and anxiety is greatly reduced. Hypnotherapy and trauma training were the changes I needed when suffering from PTSD and chronic anxiety. No other modality came close. 

I was so impressed with hypnotherapy, that I then studied the BLAST technique which is so effective it can effectively change significant issues in just one session giving you your life back.


I really can help you change your life.


I know that you are more than your thoughts, your emotions, aches pains and issues. You are a complete and unique human being with perhaps, spiritual or religious beliefs too. Unless there are any contraindications, hypnotherapy can help align these things. But you don't need to have issues to benefit from hypnotherapy. It is relaxing, gentle and just makes you feel good. Hypnotherapy can be done walking on treadmill, whilst holding yoga positions and for the youngsters, whilst chasing demons with our magic wands. 


When working with me, there is more than just your session time. I work on the information you share to find the best solutions for you, and offer you FREE email support outside of sessions.


Even if you do not wish to have hypnotherapy with me, please ALWAYS check the qualifications of the person you choose. An online course rarely is credible and mental health is too important to place in the hands of a non-professional.

Feel free to email any queeries, no question is a silly question.. Your journey of healing is important and the more you know and understand the better it will be for you.







Sometimes music in the form of healing Hertz, binaural beats or drums are used to enhance your experience.


Professional memberships ensure I work to a high standard and mean I have commitments to ongoing training. It goes without saying that everything is strictly confidential so nobody needs to know that you have come to see me or what we have discussed. I like to think my therapy is like having a cup of tea with a friend only better! 

Contact me now for more information on how I can help you!



Championing women's health

I have been a guest on Radio 2 with Paddy and Dr. Sarah (see caption at bottom of page) where I discussed women health after menopause and cancer. I also done presentations  and taken part in  interviews with the Women's Health Clinic where after severe female issues, we worked together to make life better for other women who follow in my footsteps. I have been in the Daily Mail discussing discrimination against treatments for women after or with cancer and have a blog/journal on my treatment outcomes and experiences. This was written to explicitly document the physical and emotional changes this revolutionary new treatment produced. The Women's Health Clinic continues to campaign for better  quality of life for women with feminine issues. 



I have been interviewed in The Herald on the topic of  Therapy, and Hypnotherapy and the wonderful healing modality it is, and the reasons for setting up on my own.



Personal stories

My journey with life after cancer with the Women's Health Clinic


Every journey starts with a single step

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